About Me

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Hi! :) As of april 30th 2014, I've decided to quit SL. My RL has become amazing and I just don't need SL in my life anymore. I'm thinking of starting a RL fashion blog in the future, if I do, I hope you will stop by from time to time. :) Huge thanks to every sponsor I had pleasure working with in SL. <3. Emery 4ever!!! Lol...felt the need to shout this out as I'm still the biggest Emery fan and it's the only thing I miss from SL.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Autumn challenge

Hi there!
 I bought these awesome new boots from Elysium today and then saw Berry's new monday challenge...and decided to do it.
 It's been a long time for me again to blog something...I know I keep saying that I will blog more but I never do. I Guess I suck at keeping promises. Tell ya what...I promise not to
promise anything anymore...well maybe except this: I promise to just blog whenever I can and feel inspired. lol.
Have a good day peeps! :)

Meme Instructions: Take an autumn inspired picture and/or answer the following questions about autumn. Don’t forget to leave your answers in the comments of this post and if you take an autumn picture, please add it to the Blog Memes flickr group.

  1. Is autumn your favorite season? Why or why not? – Autumn is not my fav season, summer is. There's only one thing I like about autumn - all my fav TV series come back after the summer break (lol)
  2. Do you call it Autumn or Fall? – Since English isn't my first language, I find the word autumn a bit weird and funny sounding...so when I talk about autumn on voice, I call it fall, but when I type, I usually call it autumn.
  3. What kind of weather does your area get during this season? - It's a rollercoaster most of the time. Today is very nice, sunny and pretty warm but yesterday it was windy, grey and rainy and ugly and bleh. lol.
  4. Which color do you always associate with autumn? – I guess all tones of orange and brown
  5. Which Autumn themed sim is your favorite at the moment? – Uh, I don't really visit any sims these days, except for the ones I shop at, so I really can't tell, but if any of you look for any themed sims, here is an awesome list of them: Awesome sims list

Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Campbell hair - Monsoon (NEW!) LM
Skin: Glam Affair - Neva skin - America 02 (NEW!) @ TLC LM
Top: Tee*fy Turtle Neck Basic Sweater Grey LM
Jacket: Emery - Biker Jacket Amadeus Latte LM
Necklace: MG - Necklace - Night Star Cross (NEW! @ Limited Bazaar) LM
Shorts: ISON - pleated shorts (gray) LM
Boots: Elysium - Eva Boots - grays (NEW!) LM

Well (with single and couple poses): Culprit - Old Wishing Well MP Link


  1. Oh gosh, I love your picture so much! So well processed and love the styling.

    1. Thank you so much, it's very flattering coming from you! xoxo :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
