About Me

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Hi! :) As of april 30th 2014, I've decided to quit SL. My RL has become amazing and I just don't need SL in my life anymore. I'm thinking of starting a RL fashion blog in the future, if I do, I hope you will stop by from time to time. :) Huge thanks to every sponsor I had pleasure working with in SL. <3. Emery 4ever!!! Lol...felt the need to shout this out as I'm still the biggest Emery fan and it's the only thing I miss from SL.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Winter Season Challenge :]

Hi :)

 Hope everyone is having a great day today. :]
Just a fun, silly post this cold monday, made with the help of Gyazo GIF and pixlr.com...plus the winter season challenge.
And yes, it's all about the Arcade madness! Hehe.

Meme Instructions: Take a wintery picture and/or answer the following questions about the season. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments and share your picture in the Blog Memes Flickr Group.
  1. What is the December/Winter season like where you live? – Usually it's cold and snowy and basically not what Toya likes. I mean I like the snow - but ONLY from 24th-26th dec...after that it's just annoying. I really hate shovelling every 30 mins!
  2. When you think of winter, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? –Honestly? Gas bills. Those are huge for us in winter time and I always suffer from it...ask my uncle Cruiser - he knows best that I can bitch about them for hours, lol.
  3. Have you ever played any extreme winter sports? – Since I was just a few years old my mom would plan winter vacation with her friends and take me and my sister to Czech Republic and Slovakia (back then those were still one country), it was a tradition every year. I ski and ice skate but never tried snowboard or snowmobile or anything, however I would really like to! Also my father is a scuba diving instructor and I want to dive under the ice with him once, it's risky but I guess that's what makes it exciting. My dad and his diving friends have a cool tradition. Every year on Xmas Eve they dive in The Baltic Sea and place a Xmas tree under the water, on the sea floor. It's even decorated and they make sure that the tree and it's ornaments don't get out to the surface and stay in their place. It's a big event here where I live, at least for the divers and their families.
  4. What do you like most about this season? –I guess it's the whole cosy feeling to it. The hot chocolate or in my case mulled wine (lol) and movie, while snuggling under the blankie.
  5. Do you celebrate Christmas, Hannukkah, Kwanzaa or another holiday during this time of year? – I was raised in Catholic religion, I celebrate Christmas, however I'm not very religious. I don't go to church unless it's a wedding etc. I do believe that I will again see/meet my mom, so maybe that makes me a believer. Idk, it's a hard one and always been!
 Ice1 photo 9636cc268673c0b5d8ce822c416c315e_zps08e79e21.gif

 Ice2 photo 2015561bfc5f093333fa3a3e52cfc31d_zps89b74569.gif

Hat: 8f8_OWL Hats Pair_*** RARE (NEW! @ Arcade Gacha) LM
Hair: Magika [03] Sudden LM
Skin: Glam Affair - Vera - America 03 LM
Coat: *GF*[Mesh] Winter Coat "Natalie" -pink- LM
Gloves: VCO - Gloves Necklace [POLKA 04] (NEW! @ Arcade Gacha)
Ice Skates: The Secret Store - Ice Skates - Candy Polka (They come with an AO however I'm using a different one that I just love!) (NEW! @ Arcade Gacha)
AO: MP Link


  1. Your gifs are amazing! The one time I tried loading a Gyazo gif to my blog it wouldn't work, so I had to do mine in PS. NOT fun lol

    1. Thank you. :]
      I didn't know how to make the gifs work here as well, but I googled it and found this: http://blog-tipster.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-add-gif-images-animations-to.html
      Now, I do realise that you're not using Blogger, but I'm sure you can figure out the way to make it work for your domain. :) It should be similar to this anyway.
      Good luck and I hope this was helpful.

  2. Just the thought of diving into ice cold water is making me shiver, lol but what a wonderful event it must be for you guys with the tree underwater. Also, your gifs are just beautiful!
